a website for "Professions in Writing Arts"
In "Tips to Using Twitter to Score an Internship" the writer mentions joining Twitter chats, and as someone who has hung out on Twitter for the sake of writerly things for at least a year now, I can definitely say that this is a good idea.

Writers love Twitter. I think it's something about the fact we can talk without actually hanging to talk. Oh, and we're also already on the computer basically all the time anyway. Writers have also developed a bunch of hashtags that are useful for writing discussion--these include weekly chats about various topics, genres, or age ranges (#fantasychat and #yachat stand out to me right now). Hopping in on these chats can net you plenty of connections, or even just make you aware of opportunities you had no idea about before. Some writing hashtags even get so popular that they trend worldwide, which is absolutely crazy to me! Only on Twitter will you see something writing-related right up there with the "big game" or crazy political news.

Hashtags are also how I found out about my dream internship with a literary agency (no, I'm linking you. I'm greedy). One of the writers I follow got an internship there, and I watched her move from intern to agent-in-training to full literary agent. It was amazing! I also watched her use a hashtag to tweet about the type of works she looks for--and it was through that hashtag that I found out about the agency to begin with.

Long story short: I freakin' love Twitter for these things.